Terms and Conditions
1. Limitations of Use
1.1. Personal Use Only: This website is for personal use only and should not be used for commercial purposes. You may not copy, modify, or distribute the content of this website without obtaining written consent from the website owner.
2. Third Party Website Links
2.1. Disclaimer: This website contains links to third-party websites operated by other organizations. These links are provided for reference purposes only. We do not control the content of third-party websites and do not accept any responsibility or liability for any damages incurred due to their content. The inclusion of these links on our website does not constitute an endorsement of the content of any third-party website or source. Written consent is required from the website owner for any links to or from this website by any individual or organization.
3. Liability
3.1. Accuracy of Content: While we take care in selecting the information sources and content for this website, we cannot guarantee the absence of errors or mistakes. We do not provide any assurances and do not accept any responsibility or liability for any damages incurred from the use or misuse of the content, negligence, loss of service, data, or business, incurred from using this website, to the fullest extent permitted by law without limitations. This does not affect any statutory rights you may have as a consumer.
4. Prohibited and Unlawful Use of the Website
4.1. Usage Restrictions: You may only use this website for personal use, and you agree not to use it for any prohibited or unlawful purpose as outlined in the terms and conditions. You may not access the code for this website or attempt to copy, modify, or publish its content in any capacity.
5. Modification of Terms and Conditions
5.1. Right to Modify: The owner of this website reserves the right to make modifications to the terms and conditions at any time. It is the user’s responsibility to review the updated terms and conditions before using the website.
6. Agreement
6.1. Governing Law: The agreement between the user of the website and us is governed by the laws of England. By using this website or its content, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of English courts in all matters arising from the use of this website. If any part of this agreement is deemed unenforceable or unlawful, that specific part may be superseded by an enforceable provision that is closest to the original intended provision without affecting the rest of the agreement.
6.2. Entire Agreement: This agreement constitutes the entire legal agreement between the user of this website and us, superseding all communications and proposals in all forms to this date. This agreement in electronic form has the same standing as a paper contract. By using this website, the user agrees to the terms and conditions in their entirety. Rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.